
1. Identity

Who is the tech company?

Simplot AB Retail, Inc. dba Simplot Grower Solutions (“SGS”)

What products, platform, or services within the tech company are certifying as Ag Data Transparent?

Simplot Advisor 2.0, Simplot Advisor 3.0, OptiGro

Who are the primary users of the product, platform, or services?

Simplot’s crop advisors and operational staff

2. Categories of Ag Data Collected

What categories of data does the data platform collect?  

  • Agronomic Data                                

  • Land Data

  • Weather and Climate Data

We differentiate data into agronomic data, land data, and weather & climate data.

·       Agronomic Data includes crop and field information, such as soil sample results, fertilizer recommendations, fertilizer blends, scouting data (weeds, insects, and disease).

·       Land Data includes soil and fertility data, such as field boundaries and soil types.

·       Weather and Climate Data includes air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, soil temperature, and solar radiation.

Learn More:

See Section 1 of our Ag Data Use Agreement

3. Ownership

Do the tech company’s agreements with the user address ownership of user data? 

Yes. SGS believes that you are the owner of Ag Data that originates from your farm, device, or equipment.

Learn More:

See Section 2 of our Ag Data Use Agreement

4. Transparency in Aggregation

Does the tech company allow the user to opt out of inclusion in anonymized and aggregated datasets that are accessible by other users? 

No. Due to legacy agreements with some of our suppliers, we don’t have the ability to offer users the option of opting out of inclusion in anonymized and aggregated datasets.

Learn More:

See Section 4.2 of our Ag Data Agreement

5. Vendor Access to Data

Does the tech company require outside contractors that have access to user data to follow the tech company’s data policies? 

Yes. Outside contractors have agreed to abide by the terms of our Ag Data Use Agreement.

Learn More:

 See Section 4.3 in our Ag Data Use Agreement.

6. Consent

Does the tech company obtain a user’s consent before sharing user data with third parties? (E.g. integrations, government and others)

Yes. When a user initiates the use of Simplot Advisor™ or Optigro™ by allowing SGS to input the user’s ag data into Simplot Advisor™ or OptiGro™, the user consents to the Ag Data Use Agreement and consents to SGS sharing that data with its service providers to enable SGS the ability to give the user value-added analytics regarding the user’s fields.

Learn More:

See Section 2 and Section 4.1 in our Ag Data Use Agreement

7. Consent

By signing up, does the user give the tech company the right to sell aggregated data to third parties without obtaining further consent?

No. SGS does not sell aggregated data to third parties. SGS shares anonymized and aggregated data with certain service providers which is used internally by the service provider to provide enhanced analytics which are then reflected in Simplot Advisor—the shared anonymized and aggregated data is not sold by our service providers.

Learn More:

See Section 4 in our Ag Data Use Agreement

8. Portability 

Does the tech company maintain an original copy of user data that can be retrieved or deleted upon a user’s request? 

Yes. SGS maintains an original copy of all the user data, which can be retrieved and/or deleted upon a user’s request.

Learn More:

See Section 6 in our Ag Data Use Agreement 

9. Data Security

Will the tech company notify the user if a breach of data security causes disclosure of the user’s data to an outside party?  

Yes. SGS will notify users electronically and/or by mail if a user’s data has been exposed.

Learn More:

See Section 8 in our Ag Data Use Agreement

10. Notice

Will the tech company notify the user when data agreements are changed and summarize how the agreements were changed? 

Yes. SGS will notify users of changes to SGS’s Ag Data Use Agreement and provide a summary of those changes by email or at log in. 

Learn More:

See Section 7 in our Ag Data Use Agreement

11. Changes in Company Ownership

Do the tech company’s data agreements address what happens to user data if the tech company is sold to another company?

Yes. If the company is sold, you will be notified and have the option of deleting your Ag Data.

Learn More:

See Section 11 in our Ag Data Use Agreement

Todd Janzen