
1. What categories of data does the product or service collect from me?

  • Farm Management Data

  • Land Data

  • Livestock Data

Our Data Use Policy explains our approach to data, points include: 

  • Business locations, owner and worker contact information

  • Premises identification numbers and boundaries

  • Inventories (livestock, feed, medicines, etc)

  • Account holder CCIA account number

  • Individual animal identifications

  • Events (add, remove (sale/death), pedigree, movement, sale, breeding, measures, scoring, health) of account owner’s choosing

  • Photographs and documents (e.g. vet prescription, visitor log)

  • Comments and cost/revenue data

  • Account holder target production parameters

More information: Data Use Policy


2. Do the ATP’s agreements address ownership of my data after my data is transferred?

You are the owner of your Data. AgSights believes that ownership should give you the right to share, download, and delete your Data.

AgSights is the owner of any aggregated data, which is anonymized to remove your personal information.

Clients agree up front that data on animals, excluding ownership and economic data, moves with the animal to new owners. Data added by those owners, likewise, moves backward to previous owners.

More information: Data Use Policy


3. If the ATP contracts with other companies to provide data related services, does the ATP require these companies to adhere to the ATP’s privacy policies with me?

All companies that provide services to AgSights and as a result have access to your Data must also abide by our Data Use Policy.

More information: Data Use Policy


4. Will the ATP obtain my consent before providing other companies with access to my data?

Data is shared with the University of Guelph for research purposes only.  Client’s personal data is never shared with companies beyond AgSights and if it were to be, client approval would be required.

More information: Data Use Policy


5. After I upload data to the ATP, will it be possible to retrieve my original complete dataset in an original or equivalent format?

Upon request, a copy of your data shall be returned to you in a manner determined by AgSights.  Details are clearly outlined in AgSights Data Use Policy. 

More information: Data Use Policy


6. Will the ATP notify me when its agreements change?

AgSights clients will be notified of any changes to our Data Use Policy or Terms and Conditions. At that time, clients will have the opportunity to choose whether or not to continue using the system.

More information: Data Use Policy


7. Will the ATP notify me if a breach of data security occurs that causes disclosure of my data to an outside party?

In the event of a data breach, natural disaster, or other unforeseen event that causes your Data to be deleted or compromised, AgSights will notify you by email or as required by law. 

More information: Data Use Policy


8. Upon my request, can my original dataset be deleted when my contract with the ATP terminates?

All personal data (business name, personal name, contact information) will be deleted upon request. In order to maintain credibility of benchmarking analyses and genetic evaluations, animal data will be retained.

More information: Data Use Policy


9. Do the ATP’s agreements establish how long my original datasets will be retained?

Client data will be retained as long as they are an AgSights client and until such time as they request data to be deleted.

More information: Data Use Policy


10. Do the ATP’s agreements address what happens to my data if the ATP is sold to another company?

AgSights is a not for profit co-operative and so any sale is highly unlikely. Should that become a reality, each AgSights client would be given the opportunity to continue services with the new owner or choose to have their service discontinued and have their data returned and/or deleted.

More information: Data Use Policy