EFC Systems by Ever.Ag

Who is the ag tech provider? EFC Systems, Inc.

What platform was reviewed? FieldAlytics

What contract was reviewed? Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems

1. What categories of data does the product or service collect from me?

  • Farm Management Data

  • Agronomic Data

  • Land Data

  • Machine Data

  • Weather and Climate Data

  • Farm Management Data.  This includes information related to financial, tax, employment, commodity price, regulatory compliance, supply chain, and other management data. 

  • Agronomic Data. This includes crop and field information, such as planting data, seed type, yield, disease and pest management application, fertilization, and prescriptions. 

  • Land Data. This includes soil and fertility data, topographical, elevation, watershed, and drainage data, geospatial information, and tillage and conservation data.  

  • Machine Data. This includes telemetry, location, fuel usage, operator, and similar information from agricultural machines. 

  • Weather and Climate Data. This includes information related to weather and climate conditions. 

Reer to Section 1 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


2. Do the ATP’s agreements address ownership of my data after my data is transferred?

EFC believes Ag Data is owned by the Enterprise Licensee (primary licensee of FieldAlytics) and they have to right to share, download and delete the Ag Data they provide to FieldAlytics.  EFC also believes that Growers have ownership rights to Ag Data and that Enterprise Licensees should establish ownership rights in their data use agreements with their Growers.

 Refer to Section 2 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


3. If the ATP contracts with other companies to provide data related services, does the ATP require these companies to adhere to the ATP’s privacy policies with me?

To the extent EFC engages third parties to perform data processing on your Ag Data in the future, these companies must abide by this Agreement at all times.  

Refer to Section 4.3 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc. 


4. Will the ATP obtain my consent before providing other companies with access to my data?

EFC’s Services provide you with the opportunity to use your Ag Data within the FieldAlytics platform and with external third parties. EFC will obtain your consent prior to sharing your Ag Data with any third parties. Once Ag Data has been shared with a person or company outside of EFC’s Services, EFC no longer has any control over how a third party may use your Ag Data. EFC is not responsible to you for what a third party does with your Ag Data after you provide your consent to share with that third party.

EFC may be required to disclose your Ag Data in response to a subpoena, court order, or other government demand that legally requires EFC to respond.

Refer to Section 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc


5. After I upload data to the ATP, will it be possible to retrieve my original complete dataset in an original or equivalent format?

You can download your Ag Data at any time as long as you maintain an active account with EFC.  You may request your Ag Data for up to 90 days after your account ends. 

Refer to Section 6 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


6. Will the ATP notify me when its agreements change?

EFC will notify you by email or when you log into your account of any revisions.

Refer to Section 7 of the Ag Data use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


7. Will the ATP notify me if a breach of data security occurs that causes disclosure of my data to an outside party?

In the event of a data breach, natural disaster, or other unforeseen event that causes your Ag Data to be deleted or compromised, EFC will notify you when you log in, by email, or other method required by law

Refer to Section 8 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


8. Upon my request, can my original dataset be deleted when my contract with the ATP terminates?

If you are the Enterprise Licensee, you may delete your Ag Data at any time you have an active account and for 90 days after termination of your account. Individual growers that obtain an account must request their Enterprise Licensee delete their Ag Data.   

Refer to Section 9 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


9. Do the ATP’s agreements establish how long my original datasets will be retained?

EFC shall store your Ag Data if you have an active account with EFC, and for a period of 90 days after termination. Ninety days after termination of your account, EFC will no longer have any obligation to retain your Ag Data.

Refer to Section 10 of the Ag Data Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.


10. Do the ATP’s agreements address what happens to my data if the ATP is sold to another company?

In the event EFC is sold or acquired by another company (meaning at least 51% of EFC ownership interest is transferred in a single calendar year), your Ag Data will be transferred to the new owner of EFC. This Agreement will continue to apply to your Ag Data until the new owner provides you notice of a new ag data use agreement. 

Refer to Section 11 of the Ag Use Agreement for EFC Systems Inc.