Connect with ADT at 2023 Commodity Classic

Ag Data Transparent is proud to be led by farmer-organizations, keeping the voice of the farmer front and center in our work. The leading ag associations represented on our Board of Directors are the driving force behind Commodity Classic, America’s largest farmer-led, farmer-focused agricultural and educational experience.

We salute our farmer-leader organizations planning this event:

American Soybean Association

National Corn Growers Association

National Association of Wheat Growers

National Sorghum Producers

This annual event is an outstanding place to connect and discuss important topics like how a farmer’s data is handled by its tech providers. Our ADT Administrator, Todd Janzen, will be on site at Commodity Classic and would be happy to talk with those interesting in learning more about ADT.

If you would like to schedule a meeting with Todd at Commodity Classic, reach out via We hope to see you in Orlando in March!

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