Answering the Question: What is Ag Data Transparent?

We’ve enjoyed sharing our story at Commodity Classic, raising awareness for how we as a not-for-profit are advancing the conversation around transparent #AgData use.

Here’s a snapshot of the story we have shared.

Every crop. Every field. Every animal. Every dollar. New technologies enable farmers to capture data and know more about their operations than ever before. This data provides value, yet also creates questions about who has access to farm-specific information. Who can a farmer trust on this digital frontier? 

Ag Data Transparent (ADT) answers this question by providing a certification that recognizes companies that voluntarily agree to have their data contracts reviewed by an independent third-party. The ADT certification process is backed by leading farmer-member organizations and ag tech companies of all sizes to build trust and transparency in agricultural data platforms.

A growing list of ag tech companies are tapping this effort as a way to show farmers that data collected on the farm is used to benefit the farmer. Achieving the ADT seal of approval sends a strong message about how a company does business. Agricultural organizations who do not directly collect farm data - yet want to advocate for data transparency within their organization and in the agricultural industry - can join as a supporting member.