Getting Started is Simple - ADT Model Ag Data Use Agreement

“I know having the ADT Seal is a valuable certification for my company, but how do I start the process?” This is the most common question we receive at ADT, and our goal has always been to keep it simple. Todd Janzen, ADT Administrator, shares in this video clip how ADT developed a Model Ag Data Use Agreement to help companies take the first step.

Janzen points out that the Model Agreement is built with the understanding that ag data should have a life cycle. “Ag data is well defined, and there is a recognition that ownership begins with the originator,” he points out. “After uploading ag data to the tech provider, the Model Agreement explains the tech provider’s rights to use data internally, and the tech provider’s rights to allow sharing externally.” He notes that straightforward language is important so farmers can easily digest what will be done with their data.

The Model Agreement also explains what happens to ag data when the originator no longer has use for it, or seeks to transfer it to another ag tech provider. All of these topics are important to understand and the sample agreement brings them to the forefront for discussion.

It is important to note that the Model Agreement is not a one-size-fits-all agreement. It does not replace a privacy policy, which serves its own purpose of explaining provider protections for personal information. Companies seeking ADT Certification need to customize the document to address specific items related to their technology platform.

As technology offerings become more and more complex, it is essential that ag tech companies address farmers’ concerns. With downloading the Model Agreement, companies can take the first simple step.